Physics of Scale Activities

1965 - 1966
High-resolution work on magnetic systems
The time scale for magnetic measurements is fairly short compared to the time scale needed for fluid systems to come to equilibrium, and from a theoretical point of view magnetic systems were more amenable to modeling, but they still present important experimental obstacles to the study of critical phenomena. Even nominally pure pairs of samples can differ markedly in their critical points, and one must always find ways to subtract out the lattice and electronic contributions to the specific heat before arriving at the magnetic contribution. Teaney and his colleagues obtained results for MnF2 and RbMnF3 which were regarded as invaluable in establishing the shape and sharpness of the transition for magnetic systems with resolution sufficient to test theories of critical phenomena.

Primary: D. T. Teaney, "Specific-heat singularity in MnF2," Phys. Rev. Letters 14 (1965): 898-900. D. T. Teaney, V. L. Moruzzi, B. E. Argyle, "Critical point of the cubic antiferromagnet RbMnF3," J. Appl. Phys. 37 (1966): 1122-1123.

Secondary: Heller 1967, 790.
--Karl Hall